I created a custom Gutenberg block to display a slider.
I'm using the example from ACF: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/building-a-custom-slider-block-in-30-minutes-with-acf/
Everything works fine so far. But now I need the block ID inside of the JavaScrit file of the custom block.
Here's the JS code from the example:
var initializeBlock = function( $block ) {
dots: true,
infinite: true,
speed: 300,
slidesToShow: 1,
centerMode: true,
variableWidth: true,
adaptiveHeight: true,
focusOnSelect: true
// Initialize each block on page load (front end).
initializeBlock( $(this) );
// Initialize dynamic block preview (editor).
if( window.acf ) {
window.acf.addAction( 'render_block_preview/type=slider', initializeBlock );
I've changed parts of the JS code like this (slick-vars are just examples):
var initializeBlock = function( $block ) {
dots: false,
arrows: false,
appendArrows: $('.slider-arrows_BLOCK-ID'),
slidesToShow: 1,
mobileFirst: true,
As you can see, I need to add the block ID to this line:
appendArrows: $('.slider-arrows_BLOCK-ID'),
Is there any way to get the ID of the current block inside the JS file?
You could get the element relative to the .slides element
var initializeBlock = function( $block ) {
var arrows = $block.find('[class^="slider-arrows"]');
dots: false,
arrows: false,
appendArrows: arrows,
slidesToShow: 1,
mobileFirst: true,