I have a solution with multiple csproj and one sqlproj file. I am trying to build it with command:
msbuild test.sln -target:Clean;Build;Publish /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:Configuration=Debug /p:VisualStudioVersion=16.0 /m
And I get an error: The "SqlPublishTask" task was not given a value for the required parameter "SqlPublishProfilePath".
So I want to tell MSBuild that I don't want to publish sqlproj. I can easily do it for csproj (just set "PublishableProject" property to false). But it does not work for sqlproj.
In this case it may be easier to specify which projects you actually want to publish by only calling the solution targets for these specific projects.
msbuild test.sln -target:Clean;Build;My_Test_Proj:Publish;solutionfolder\other_proj:Publish
See How to: Build specific targets in solutions by using MSBuild.exe on how to construct solution target definitions (e.g. replacing .
with _