I have two tables, Table A has two foreign key columns (div_player1_id
, div_player2_id
) and Table B
has a Primary key that relates to the foreign keys in Table A
. I am trying to write a select query that will output the names of player1
and player 2
in one row.
wp_divisions - Div_id, div_player1_id, div_player2_id
wp_players - ID, display_name
Output = Div_Id, display_name of Player1, display_name of Player2
Select display_name FROM wp_players INNER Join wp_divisions where wp_players.ID = wp_divisions.div_player1_id;
This shows the Player1 names.
Select display_name FROM wp_players INNER Join wp_divisions where wp_players.ID = wp_divisions.div_player2_id;
This shows Player2 name.
I would like to have the output in a Table with:
Division Player 1 Player 2
1001 Joe Smith Tom Jones
I tried following Table with two foreign keys pointing to the same column of another table
But could not adapt it to my needs
Not sure how to write the code.
You must join wp_divisions
with wp_players
p1.display_name player1,
p2.display_name player2
from wp_divisions d
inner join wp_players p1 on p1.ID = d.div_player1_id
inner join wp_players p2 on p2.ID = d.div_player2_id
If there is a case that div_player1_id
or div_player2_id
is null
then use left
joins instead of inner