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How to do a mysql select query on a table with two columns of foreign keys that relate to another table of names

I have two tables, Table A has two foreign key columns (div_player1_id, div_player2_id) and Table B has a Primary key that relates to the foreign keys in Table A. I am trying to write a select query that will output the names of player1 and player 2 in one row.

wp_divisions - Div_id, div_player1_id, div_player2_id
wp_players - ID, display_name

Output = Div_Id, display_name of Player1, display_name of Player2

Select display_name FROM wp_players INNER Join wp_divisions where wp_players.ID = wp_divisions.div_player1_id;

This shows the Player1 names.

Select display_name FROM wp_players INNER Join wp_divisions where wp_players.ID = wp_divisions.div_player2_id;

This shows Player2 name.

I would like to have the output in a Table with:

Division    Player 1     Player 2
  1001     Joe Smith     Tom Jones

I tried following Table with two foreign keys pointing to the same column of another table

But could not adapt it to my needs

Not sure how to write the code.


  • You must join wp_divisions with wp_players twice:

      p1.display_name player1,
      p2.display_name player2
    from wp_divisions d
    inner join wp_players p1 on p1.ID = d.div_player1_id
    inner join wp_players p2 on p2.ID = d.div_player2_id

    If there is a case that div_player1_id or div_player2_id is null then use left joins instead of inner joins.