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lzw decompression algorithm in java for given compressed text

I have following compressed text given as a byte Array:

byte[] compressed = [97, 2, 10, 28, 72, -80, -96, -63, -125, 8, 19, 42, 92, -56, -80, -95, -61, -121, 16, 35, 74, -100, 72, -79, -94, -59, -117, 24, 51, 106, -36, -56, -79, -93, -57, -113, 32, 67, -118, 28, 73, -78, -92, -55, -109, 40, 83, -86, 92, -55, -78, -91, -53, -105, 48, 99, -54, -100, 73, -77, -90, -51, -101, 56, 115, -22, -36, -55, -77, -89, -49, -97, 64, -125, 10, 29, 74, -76, -88, -47, -93, 72, -109, 42, 93, -54, -76, -87, -45, -89, 80, -93, 74, -99, 74, -75, -86, -43, -85, 88, -77, 106, -35, -54, -75, -85, -41, -81, 96, -61, -118, 29, 75, -74, -84, -39, -77, 104, -45, -86, 93, -53, -74, -83, -37, -73, 112, -29, -54, -99, 75, -73, -82, -35, -69, 120, -13, -22, -35, -53, -73, -81, -33, -65, -128, 3, 11, 30, 76, -72, -80, -31, -61, -120, 19, 43, 94, -52, -72, -79, -29, -57, -112, 35, 75, -98, 76, -71, -78, -27, -53, -104, 51, 107, -34, -52, -71, -77, -25, -49, -96, 67, -117, 30, 77, -70, -76, -23, -45, -88, 83, -85, 94, -51, -70, -75, -21, -41, -80, 99, -53, -98, 77, -69, -74, -19, -37, -72, 115, -21, -34, -51, -69, -73, -17, -33, -64, -125, 11, 31, 78, -68, -72, -15, -29, -56, -109, 43, 95, -50, -68, -71, -13, -25, -48, -93, 75, -97, 78, -67, -70, -11, -21, -40, -77, 107, -33, -50, -67, -69, -9, -17, -32, -61, -117, 31, 79, -66, -68, -7, -13, -24, -45, -85, 95, -49, -66, -67, -5, -9, -16, -29, -53, -97, 79, -65, -66, -3, -5, -8, -13, -21, -33, -49, -65, -65, -1, -1, 0, -61, 4, 20, 56, -112, 96, 65, -125, 7, 17, 38, 84, -72, -112, 97, 67, -121, 15, 33, 70, -108, 56, -111, 98, 69, -117, 23, 49, 102, -44, -72, -111, 99, 71, -113, 31, 65, -122, 20, 57, -110, 100, 73, -109, 39, 81, -90, 84, -71, -110, 101, 75, -105, 47, 97, -58, -108, 57, -109, 102, 77, -101, 55, 113, -26, -44, -71, -109, 103, 79, -97, 63, -127, 6, 21, 58, -108, 104, 81, -93, 71, -111, 38, 85, -70, -108, 105, 83, -89, 79, -95, 70, -107, 58, -107, 106, 85, -85, 87, -79, 102, -43, -70, -107, 107, 87, -81, 95, -63, -122, 21, 59, -106, 108, 89, -77, 103, -47, -90, 85, -69, -106, 109, 91, -73, 111, 91, 2];

and a given codeword length of 9 bits.

The resulting string should be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... with a total length of 39270 of all *a*s.

I want to write a decompress function which decompresses the compressed byte array and returns the resulting string of *a*s.

I tried the normal LZW implementations but this didn't work very well. The given codeword length of 9 bit and the negative values in the byte array gives me some headache.

My understanding is I have to convert the whole byte array to one binary string and read each value every 9 bits (codeword length)?

Has anyone a hint or a suggestion how this can be done? Thanks, I really appreciate your support.


Here is some code, I tried so far, which works with

byte[] compressed = [68, 0, 97, 0, 115, 0, 32, 0, 105, 0, 115, 0, 116, 0, 32, 0, 101, 0, 105, 0, 110, 0, 32, 0, 107, 0, 117, 0, 114, 0, 122, 0, 101, 0, 114, 0, 32, 0, 84, 0, 101, 0, 120, 0, 116, 0] 

and a given codeword length of 16 bits.

The resulting string is Das ist ein kurzer Text.

public static List<String> convertByteArrayToBinaryStringList(byte[]compressedData,int codeWordLength){
        StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
        List<String> binaryCompressedValues=new ArrayList<String>();

        for(int i=0;i<compressedData.length;i++){


        int j=0;


            StringBuilder binStringBuilder=new StringBuilder();

        for(int i=j;i<j+codeWordLength;i++){

                System.out.println("End reached!");



        return binaryCompressedValues;

public String incrementDictSize(String currentDictSize) {
    String incrementedString = Integer.toBinaryString(Integer.valueOf(currentDictSize, 2) + 1);

    int lengthDistance = currentDictSize.length() - incrementedString.length();

    String padding = "";

    if (lengthDistance > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < lengthDistance; i++) {
    padding += "0";
    return padding + incrementedString;

public byte[]uncompress(byte[]compressedData){
        int codeWordLength=16;

        List<String> binaryCompressedValues=new ArrayList<String>();


        //int dictSize = 256;
        String dictSize="1111111100000000";

        Map<String, String> dictionary=new HashMap<String, String>();
        String s="00000000";
        String padString="00000000";

        for(int i=0;i< 256;i++){

            s=String.format("%8s",Integer.toBinaryString(i)).replace(' ','0');
            System.out.println("dictionary.get("+i+") "+s+padString+" "+dictionary.get(s+padString));

        //String w = "" + (char)(byte)compressedData[0];
        String w="";

        StringBuffer result=new StringBuffer(w);

        for(String k:binaryCompressedValues){
        String entry;






        return result.toString().getBytes();



  • Example code for reading n-bit-codes LSB first.
    Beware dirty details like alignment on code size change.

    /** An <code>NBitsInputStream</code> reads its <code>InputStream</code>
     *  as codes of n bits, least significant bits first.
     */// extend with set/increaseCodeLength() as needed
    class NBitsInputStream extends {
        int buffer, validBits;
        int codeLength, codeMask;
        protected NBitsInputStream(InputStream in, int n) {
            codeLength = n;
            codeMask = (1 << n) - 1;
        /** Reads a code of n bits, least significant bits first.
         * @return  the code, or -1 if -1 is read. */
        public int read() throws IOException {
            while (validBits < codeLength) {
                int high =;
                if (high < 0)   // EOF
                    return high;
                buffer |= high << validBits;
                validBits += 8;
            int code = buffer & codeMask;
            validBits -= codeLength;
            buffer >>= codeLength;
            return code;


        for (int code ; 0 <= (code = ; ) {
            String entry = (String) dictionary.get(code);
            w += (null != entry ? entry : w).charAt(0);
            dictionary.put(++currentDictSize, w);
            result.append(w = entry);

    without unexpected observations.)

    Note that your dictionary will contain not just the longest strings, but each of their prefixes, for up to about 2130641537 characters using 16 bit codes (in addition to a result of almost that length).