I want to trigger a function while calling a particular key
stored in Session Storage
I tried the code given below.
sessionStorage.setItem('user', function myfync{alert("Hi")});
But while using the getItem function it is returned to me as a string and the function does not get executed. Is there a workaround to this that I'm missing?
Sessionstorage (and localstorage) only support strings as values.
This means you have to convert the value into a string before you store it and convert it back after reading it.
This can be done using String() and Function().
// Write
const a = function myfunc() {
sessionStorage.setItem('user', String(a));
// Read
const b = sessionStorage.getItem('user');
const c = Function('return ' + b);
Converting a string back to a function is a debatable topic, more info can be found here: Is there a way to create a function from a string with javascript?