I am new to Google Guice. As of now, it seems that every time a new binding is created, a new object is created. If you have two of the same object as a constructor parameter (or field, etc) in two different classes, how do you reuse first instance of the object as the second object's constructor argument? For example:
public interface MyInterfaceA{
//Method declarations
public class MyClassA implements MyInterfaceA{
private MyInterfaceC myField;
public MyClassA(MyInterfaceC myField){
this.myField = myField;
//Methods, etc.
public interface MyInterfaceB{
//Method declarations
public class MyClassB implements MyInterfaceB{
private MyInterfaceC myField;
public MyClassB(MyInterfaceC myField){
this.myField = myField;
//Methods, etc.
public interface MyInterfaceC{
//Method declarations
public class MyClassC implements MyInterfaceC{
public MyClassC(){
//Methods, etc.
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule{
protected void configure(){
In this example, I think that MyClassA's constructor is called via Guice with a new instance of MyClassC, and MyClassB's constructor is also called with a new instance of MyClassC. How would I first call MyClassA's constructor with a new instance of MyClassC, but then MyClassB's constructor with that same instance of MyClassC with Guice?
As it is already commented by @njzk2, i am just adding code to the following. Here MyClassC will be provided with same object instance every time when injected.
public class MyModule extends AbstractModule{
protected void configure(){