I am trying to write this java procedure to display the output of this code in a single col separated by comma instead of multiples rows. In the printOut section, I would like to combine all the output in the rows to 1 col per user. I tried using the ArrayList arr = new ArrayList() and Set results = new HashSet() so that i can get all the row values in an array seperated by comma as shown in the expected output.
ResultSet group=(ResultSet)Groups.getFieldValue(USER_GROUP_RESULTSET);//Gets all the user groups for the user
printOut("Groupscount:"+group.getRowCount()); //Counts the # of user groups user is assigned to for printing purpose only
while(!group.isEof()) { //For all the user groups,list the user name and another col with all user groups separated by comma instead of individual rows.
String groupname1= group.getFieldValueString(USER_GROUP); // fetches the user group name in the string. Do i need to use array here?
printOut(USER+";"+groupname1); // It displays the output row wise
Actual output:
Expected output: User1; XYZ,ABC
You need to move printOut outside of the while loop
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
while(!group.isEof()) {
String groupname1=group.getFieldValueString(USER_GROUP);