I want to write int16_t values to file.
Therefore I tried to overload the std::ofstream::put() method.
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdint>
class Ofstream : public std::ofstream
Ofstream( const std::string & s) : std::ofstream(s) {}
// for little-endian machines
Ofstream & put(int16_t val)
char lsb, msb;
lsb = (char)val;
val >>= 8;
msb = (char)val;
put(lsb) && put(msb);
return *this;
~Ofstream() {}
int main()
int16_t val = 0x1234;
Ofstream ofile( "test");
At this I always get a Segmentation fault, so what's wrong with?
Your put()
function calls itself rather than the base class version. So you get infinite recursion, which leads to stack overflow.
put(lsb) && put(msb);
std::ofstream::put(lsb) && std::ofstream::put(msb);