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Independent Timer Macros in Excel Worksheets

So I used a simple timer macro that I found online that basically uses a start and stop button to keep track of time. However, I want to use the timers so they work independently on each sheet. So if I have 2 worksheets, if I start the timer on one sheet, it keeps running on that sheet and I can switch to the second worksheet and start the timer on that sheet separately. Currently, the way the macro is working is that starting the timer on one worksheet keeps a running time on both sheets and will stop if either stop button is pressed on either sheet. Here is what I have currently:

Sub StartTimer()
Dim Start As Single, RunTime As Single
Dim ElapsedTime As String
Dim counter As Long

'Set the control cell to 0 and make it green
Range("C1").Value = 0
Range("A1").Interior.Color = 5296274  'Green

counter = 0
Start = Timer 'Set start time.
Debug.Print Start
Do While Range("C1").Value = 0

    DoEvents 'Yield to other processes.
    RunTime = Timer 'Current elapsed time
    ElapsedTime = Format((RunTime - Start) / 86400, "hh:mm:ss")
    'Display currently elapsed time in A1
    Range("A1").Value = ElapsedTime
    Application.StatusBar = ElapsedTime


Range("A1").Value = ElapsedTime
Range("A1").Interior.Color = 192 'Dark red
Application.StatusBar = False

End Sub

Sub StopTimer()

    'Set the control cell to 1
    Range("C1").Value = 1

End Sub

Sub ResetTimer()
    If Range("C1").Value > 0 Then

    'Set the control cell to 1
    Range("A1").Value = Format(0, "hh:mm:ss")

    End If

End Sub


  • You can accomplish this by keeping track of which worksheets have running timers. I've used a Dictionary with early binding, so you'll have to add the library reference to use the example code below.

    The idea is that you have a "list" of which worksheets in your workbook have active timers. In terms of a Dictionary it means that if the sheet has a timer, then there is an entry in the Dictionary. To set this up in its own module, I have defined the following global constants and variable:

    Private Const FIXED_CELL As String = "C20"
    Private Const STATUS_CELL As String = "D20"
    Private Const UPDATE_INTERVAL As String = "00:00:01"
    Private sheetTimers As Dictionary

    The sheetTimers dictionary will be used by all the routines in the module. The constants are a good idea because it gives you a single place to make a change.

    The set up in your workbook is to create Start and Stop buttons on multiple worksheets, plus a few cells to display the elapsed time. The buttons will each assign to the appropriate Public Sub.

    enter image description here

    There is code in each of the subs that help to keep track of the timers and control the setting of the next UpdateAllTimers event to update the elapsed time. You can modify the example code to add cell color and other features as needed.

    Option Explicit
    Private Const ELAPSED_CELL As String = "C5"
    Private Const STATUS_CELL As String = "D5"
    Private Const UPDATE_INTERVAL As String = "00:00:01"
    Private sheetTimers As Dictionary
    Private timerIsActive As Boolean
    Public Sub UpdateAllTimers()
        If sheetTimers Is Nothing Then
            timerIsActive = False
            'Debug.Print sheetTimers.Count & " timers are running"
            If sheetTimers.Count > 0 Then
                Dim sheetName As Variant
                For Each sheetName In sheetTimers.Keys
                    UpdateElapsedTime sheetName, sheetTimers(sheetName), Now()
                Next sheetName
                Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue(UPDATE_INTERVAL), "UpdateAllTimers"
                timerIsActive = True
                timerIsActive = False
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub StartTimer()
        '--- first time initialization ONLY
        If sheetTimers Is Nothing Then Set sheetTimers = New Dictionary
        '--- find or create the entry for the ACTIVE worksheet
        Dim thisSheet As Worksheet
        Dim thisSheetName As String
        Set thisSheet = ActiveSheet
        thisSheetName = thisSheet.Name
        If sheetTimers.Exists(thisSheetName) Then
            sheetTimers.Add thisSheetName, Now()
            thisSheet.Range(ELAPSED_CELL).value = TimeValue("00:00:00")
            thisSheet.Range(STATUS_CELL).value = "Running"
        End If
        If Not timerIsActive Then
            Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue(UPDATE_INTERVAL), "UpdateAllTimers"
        End If
    End Sub
    Sub StopTimer()
        If sheetTimers Is Nothing Then
            timerIsActive = False
            '--- update the elapsed time value one last time and delete the
            '    entry in the dictionary
            Dim thisSheet As Worksheet
            Set thisSheet = ActiveSheet
            Dim thisSheetName As String
            thisSheetName = thisSheet.Name
            If sheetTimers.Exists(thisSheetName) Then
                UpdateElapsedTime thisSheetName, sheetTimers(thisSheetName), Now()
                sheetTimers.Remove thisSheetName
                thisSheet.Range(STATUS_CELL).value = "Stopped"
                '--- do nothing, this sheet's timer was never started
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub UpdateElapsedTime(ByVal sheetName As String, _
                                  ByVal startTime As Date, _
                                  ByVal endTime As Date)
        Dim elapsedTime As Range
        Set elapsedTime = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sheetName).Range(ELAPSED_CELL)
        elapsedTime.NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss.0"    'optional
        elapsedTime.value = endTime - startTime
    End Sub
    Sub ResetTimer()
        '--- update the start time value on for the active worksheet
        '    entry in the dictionary
        Dim thisSheet As Worksheet
        Set thisSheet = ActiveSheet
        Dim thisSheetName As String
        thisSheetName = thisSheet.Name
        If sheetTimers.Exists(thisSheetName) Then
            sheetTimers(thisSheetName) = Now()
            UpdateElapsedTime thisSheetName, sheetTimers(thisSheetName), Now()
            sheetTimers.Remove thisSheetName
            '--- do nothing, this sheet's timer was never started
        End If
    End Sub