I am not very familiar with the Ubuntu. I have moved a jar file relatd to Blazegraph which I used on my Windows machine to my Ubuntu VM (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic).
I have also used chmod +x filename
to make it executable. But when running the file, I get the following error:
ERROR: Banner.java:160: Uncaught exception in thread java.lang.NullPointerException at com.bigdata.rdf.sail.webapp.StandaloneNanoSparqlServer.main(StandaloneNanoSparqlServer.java:142)
Why do I get this message? I also found this thread on GitHub, but seems no one had a chance in fixing it!
Note: The file is blazegraph.jar which acts as a local server for the blazegraph so I can run SPARQL queries on some ontologies. Is this because the file is trying to act as a server and possibly firewall issues? However, the server will be at http://localhost:9999/blazegraph/
which I think shouldn't have to do anything with the firewall (if there is any on Linux).
Seems this is a bug with the Blazegraph.
See these links to read more about the problem: [1] [2].
PS: There have been some ways for getting rid of the problem but they did not work for me or I could't make them work. I initially wanted to remove this question but thought maybe others have the same problem.