When i try to insert DATE via FreeTDS bcp on linux i`m facing with that error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
create table test (c_date date);
Bind type of this column is SYBCHAR, on windows i haven`t problems but i use WinApi
char buff[10];
time_t time = ACE_OS::time(nullptr);
struct tm *tmp = localtime(&time);
strftime(buff, 10, "%Y-%m-%d", tmp); /// example: 2008-10-22
bcp_collen(db, 10, 1);
bcp_colptr(db, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(buff), 1);
bcp_batch(db); /// here the exception is thrown
I have tried to use another patterns for dateformat such as %Y%m%d
etc., another binding types, creating locales.conf near freetds.conf, but nothing...
I was able to insert Date, if you are facing with the same problem you should to convert to UCS2.