I have a div with an openlayers map like this:
<div id="map" (click)="getInfo($event)" class="map"></div>
I use dragging with my mouse to navigate around the map, and every time I do that the getInfo
function triggers. I just want it to trigger when I single click the map, not when I navigate.
Is it possible? Thanks!
I had the same problem detecting dragging vs clicking but didn't want to use timed events. If clicked too slow it considers dragging if dragged too quick it considers clicking.
Instead, I used mouse positioning. If x,y position changes between mouse down and click (which is fired on mouse up) it's dragging, if not it's clicking.
Pseudo code:
<div (mousedown)="onMouseDown($event)" (click)="onClick($event)"></div>
.ts file:
mousePosition = {
x: 0,
y: 0
mouseDown($event: MouseEvent) {
this.mousePosition.x = $event.screenX;
this.mousePosition.y = $event.screenY;
onClick($event: PointerEvent) {
if (
this.mousePosition.x === $event.screenX &&
this.mousePosition.y === $event.screenY
) {
// Execute Click