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Parsing LSM6DSL raw values

I'm trying to parse the values given from a device with a LSM6DSL chip (gyroscopic and acc.) and I'm having a hard time parsing the data properly for positioning and angle.

From the vendor I've received the information that the unit is running on a resolution of 2000 for the gyro, 8g for the acc.

I receive the data in bytes that are converted by the following to shorts;

public int[] BufferToMotionData(byte[] buffer, int segments = 2)
    int[] motionDataArray = new int[segments * 3];
    int offset = Constants.BufferSizeImage + Constants.CommandLength;

    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        motionDataArray[i] = BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, offset + (i * 2));
        if (motionDataArray[i] >= Int16.MaxValue)
            motionDataArray[i] -= 65535;

    return motionDataArray;

(Edit; Cleaned up version)

This returns values in the range of (example) 961, -16223, -1635, 664, -269, -597.

According to the spec sheet I'm supposed to multiply each vector with it's corresponding value.. * 70f for gyro, .448f for acc.

From the documentation I understand that for the G forces these are in milliG's and gyro in millidegrees per sec?

// Gyro X,Y,Z
gx = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (motionData[0] * 70f / 1000f);
gy = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (motionData[1] * 70f / 1000f);
gz = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (motionData[2] * 70f / 1000f);

// Acc X,Y,Z
ax = motionData[3] * 0.488f / 1000f;
ay = motionData[4] * 0.488f / 1000f;
az = motionData[5] * 0.488f / 1000f;

Update(gx, gy, gz, ax, ay, az);

Update(..) is Madgwick's quaternion formula, although for velocity I use the acceleration vectors.

G force values that I'm getting at this moment after calculation;

X 0.047824 Y -0.320128 Z  0.006344
X 0.07076  Y -0.2562   Z  0.020008
X 0.099552 Y -0.063928 Z -0.13664

These look awfully low, and if applied as velocity it just runs off in a given direction, I know I'm missing a gravity correct although not entirely sure how to apply this.

I'm under the assumption that I do not need to apply drag to my velocity vector since values should be negated by the acceleration values received?

Anyone with experience with this type of chip and actually applying the values to yaw/pitch/roll (or quaternion) and applying the G forces as linear acceleration.


  • By looking on existing code on GitHub, it's looks like the sensitivity factor for 8g is 244 µg/digit and not 488 µg/digit as you coded it.

    Also it look's like raw values are shifted and are in [-r/2,r/2] instead of [0, r]. So you have to add 500µg or 500µdps to it. (But maybe it's linked to a uint/int issue, anyway are you sure about the endianness?)

    See here for acc data and here for gyro data.

    Based on that, the code should look likes this:

    // Gyro X,Y,Z (in rad/s)
    gx = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (motionData[0] * 70000f + 500) / 1000000;
    gy = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (motionData[1] * 70000f + 500) / 1000000;
    gz = Mathf.Deg2Rad * (motionData[2] * 70000f + 500) / 1000000;
    // Acc X,Y,Z (in g)
    ax = (motionData[3] * 244f + 500) / 1000000;
    ay = (motionData[4] * 244f + 500) / 1000000;
    az = (motionData[5] * 244f + 500) / 1000000;
    Update(gx, gy, gz, ax, ay, az);