I'm using Hangfire in AspNet Core project to run some background jobs. When I restart my server, new backround job enqueued and processing, but all previous background jobs continuous processing or restarting. I have removed all old processing background jobs from database, but nothing changed, this deleted job was removed from database but still processing. How can I stop and delete all processing background jobs, which are not reflect in the database?
First, you should use cancellation tokens. In you job, pass an IJobCancellationToken object as argument along your other arguments:
public void MyJob( <<other args>>, IJobCancellationToken cancellationToken)
for (var i = 0; i < Int32.MaxValue; i++)
To enqueue your job pass IJobCancellationToken as null:
string jobID = BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => MyJob(<<other args>>, JobCancellationToken.Null));
Now to cancel and remove a job, do it through code: