I'm using jQuery Flot Chart and trying to configure my tool tips per my liking.
The chart I am creating is a stacked chart and has two overlaying charts with 12 points or markers on each line graph.
Each point indicates a month going back a year for each graph.
Probably easier to describe in picture. As noted in the legend light Blue is the previous 12 months, where as Yellow is the 12 months before that.
Anyways, I am initiating my own custom variable yearrange
in the plot instance like so
$.plot($(".flot-line"), [{
label: "Previous Year",
yearrange: "Jul-2017 - Jun-2018",
data: previousyear,
color: "rgb(237,194,64)"
}, {
label: "Current Year",
yearrange: "Jul-2018 - Jun-2019",
data: currentyear,
color: "rgb(175,216,248)"
And then using this tooltip function to overlay a tooltip on each point
$.fn.UseTooltip = function () {
$(this).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) {
if (item) {
if (previousPoint != item.dataIndex) {
previousPoint = item.dataIndex;
var x = item.datapoint[0];
var y = item.datapoint[1];
var currmonth = months[x- 1];
var yearrange = item.series.yearrange;
showTooltip(item.pageX, item.pageY,
"<strong> " + y + "</strong> (" + item.series.label + ")");
else {
previousPoint = null;
I have two variables that I'm looking manipulate within this tooltip function to give me a desired output.
var currmonth = months[x- 1];
Which outputs the X-Axis label over which I am hovering (for example, Nov
var yearrange = item.series.yearrange;
Which outputs from my custom variable insertion in flot (for example, Jul-2017 - Jun-2018
Likewise, for example, on Current Year, var currmonth = Jul
and var yearrange = Jul-2018 - Jun-2019
My question is how can I create a variable outputs the only Month & Year combination possible given the variables I'm working with.
Say my two variables are Nov
and Jul-2017 - Jun-2018
. The output I'm looking to get is the only November that is possible within those month ranges -- November 2017
Likewise if I have something for the first year in the current month, variable Jul
and variable Jul-2018 - Jun-2019
-- the only July that will fit in this span would be an output of July 2018
You can start with this - I updated it so you do not have to use moment.js to get the full monthname:
const months = ",January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December".split(",")
const monthArr = months.map((month) => month.substring(0,3));
const pad = (num) => ("0"+num).slice(-2);
let getMonthYear = (curMonth,range) => {
// Note: all string manipulation
const curMonthStr = pad(monthArr.indexOf(curMonth));
const [start,end] = range.split(" - ").map(
d => d.replace(/(\w+)-(\d+)/,(m,a,b) => b+pad(monthArr.indexOf(a)))
const curYearMonthStart = start.slice(0,-2)+curMonthStr;
const curYearMonthEnd = end.slice(0, -2)+curMonthStr;
let curYearMonth = curYearMonthStart;
if (curYearMonth<start) curYearMonth = curYearMonthEnd; // which one do we take?
return curYearMonth >= start && curYearMonth <=end ? months[monthArr.indexOf(curMonth)] + " " + curYearMonth.slice(0,-2) : "";
const range = "Jun-2018 - Jun-2019";
let curMonth = "Nov";
curMonth = "Jul";