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Styling `::slotted()` elements from the static styles property

I'm trying to style the :slotted elements in a component from the static styles property as recommended in the docs.

static get styles() {
    return [
      css `
        ::slotted(*) {
          color: var(--white, #fff);
          font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
      // more styles...

But for some reason, is getting no effect.

Instead if define the same style in a style element into the render() function it works as expected

        ::slotted(*) {
          color: var(--white, #fff);
          font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif;
        // more styles...

I'm not sure if this is expected (and why) or if this is a bug.


  • Seems to be a syntax problem in my example. I was using an style array.

    This is working fine

    static get styles(): CSSResultArray {
        return [ 
            :host {
              /* styles */
            ::slotted(span) {
              /* styles */
            :host([data-type="primary"]) button {
              /* styles */