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Extracting variables from calling the value- Getting Error message in condition

I am trying to do validation. checking the deployed values with the given values. I extract the vnet values from Azure resources using RestAPI method and convertto-json from Object because of vnet object is giving me empty object (@{value=System.Object[]}). The following is the Json code I am getting:

  "value": [
      "properties": "@{virtualNetworkSubnetId=/subscriptions/<XXXX>/resourceGroups/<XXXX>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<XXXX>/subnets/<XXXX>; ignoreMissingVnetServiceEndpoint=True; state=Ready}",
      "id": "/subscriptions/<XXXX>/resourceGroups/<XXXX>/providers/Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/<XXXX>/virtualNetworkRules/<XXXX>",
      "name": "<XXXX>",
      "type": "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers/virtualNetworkRules"

The following powershell command is to compare the value but getting an error saying $ and $ is $null

$vnet= ( $vnet | ConvertTo-Json)

   It "has this number of vNet Rules defined: $($config.vnetRules.count)" 
    $vnet.count | Should -Be $config.vnetRules.count    

   #$vnet.count is working and giving an success message

   foreach ($vnetRule in $config.vNetRules) {

    Write-Host $vnet            #-> getting Json 
    Write-Host $vnet.Name       #-> return as Empty($null)
        Write-Host $vnet.value.Name #-> return as Empty($null)
    Write-Host $         #-> return as Empty($null)
        Write-Host $   #-> return as Empty($null)

    it "has a vNet rule named: $($vnetRule.ruleName)" {
        $ | Should -Be $vnetRule.ruleName

    it "has a vNet Rule Subnet ID of: $($vNetRule.subnetId)" {
        $ | Should -Be $vNetRule.subnetId


Returns $null.


  • In my attempt to recreate your invoke-restmethod output, I used your JSON packet as input to create the $vnet variable.

    I believe the problem is you are using Write-host to display the object instead of simply the object name. Write-host will attempt to convert the complex object to a string and hence you see the weird output as you can see below. see the difference when i simply out the object?

    enter image description here

    Now, $vnet has 4 properties id, name, properties, type and can be invoked as shown. In you case, you have converted the variable $vnet to json and then attempting to display its properties. But Json does not have any properties, except length. And hence, invoking those properties will give you null.

    enter image description here