i am doing cross application navigation from App 1 to another application by passing parameters.
in target application i have Smart Filter bar. i am filtering using "beforeRebindTable" event in smart Table.
my requirement is while i am navigating to target application i want smart Filter bar's "GO" button gets clicks automatically. so that i can view my filtered data on Smart Table without clicking anything.
regards, Urvish
i have tried
this._oFilterBar._oSearchButton.sId.click() in onInit();
but it is giving me an error.
var b = E.getParameter("bindingParams");
if (this.onCreate().InspectionLot[0] != "" || this.onCreate() != "")
var oFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter("InspectionLot",
sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ, this.onCreate().InspectionLot[0]);
you can enable the automatic data request in the smarttable by using the property
you can also rebind the Table in the on route matched event