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Vue directive to compile custom directives

I wrote a wrapper directive that utilizes vue's Render function. Inside the render function all it does is:

render: function(createElement) {
    const compiled = Vue.compile(this.$props.template);
    return, createElement);

I'm using like:

<Render v-for="item in itemsToRender" :key="" />

This works for native html elements:

const itemsToRender = ['<p>test</p>', '<h1>HELLO</h1>'];

However if I pass in my own custom directive like


Then vue will complain about unknown components. This is probably because I don't have the custom directive imported/required in the render directive's context. Is there a work around for this? The reason I need to have this wrapper directive do the compile is because libraries like vue.Draggable, rely on 'v-for' to reorder the list elements. However, I want to be able to have different components be draggable, which is why i'm passing just templates to compile into the v-for.


  • You can use the component tag. Check out:

    I have made an example here:

    The flow is roughly this:

    1. I register the components within my app
    2. List them up in the listItemsToRender data property
    3. Use the <component> tag to render them

    Here is the code

    new Vue({
      name: 'main',
      el: '#main',  
      components: {
      data() {
        return {
          header: 'Multiple components',
          itemsToRender: [CompA, CompB]           
      template: `
         {{ header }}
         <component v-for="item in itemsToRender" :is="item" />