I am trying to prevent the request from reaching the grails action ("/$controller/$action?/$id") when token is not valid so that it returns a JSON response back to the client without invoking the action
i tried adding return statement to the code but still the request invokes the action. I am using java 7 and an older version of grails (grails 2.4.3)
class ShiroSecurityFilters {
def filters = {
vueJsFilter(uri: '/api/**'){
def userObject = null
def response_data = null
before = {
def authorization_header = request.getHeader("Authorization")
if (authorization_header){
def authorization = authorization_header.split(' ')[1]
userObject = Collaborateur.findByAccessToken(authorization)
if (userObject){
println "Welcome Back, $userObject"
response_data = [
title: "filter token error"
response.status = 401
render(response_data as JSON)
I expect the filter to stop the request from executing the action or invoking it, and instead send a response back to the client and not send request to next resource in this case the action, i did some research online but i didn't find anything, any help would be appreciated
You have to return false from a before
filter to prevent the action from being invoked. In your source code above, the filter doesn't return anything.