I run parallel test with forked jvm with maven-surefire-plugin
and cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin. My pom.xm fragment https://pastebin.com/98RxWrKX
Tests are run correct and all run correct. But my allure reusults are blank when i run parallel tests. And there are alright when I run my test in single mode.
I need help with adding io.qameta.allure.cucumber2jvm.AllureCucumber2Jvm
plugin to my project.
PS I cant use cucumber-jvm 4 (with build-in parallel) due to external dependency of my project&
To run single test I use:
mvn -am -pl bdd_test test -DENV=ENV -P parallel "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @SomeTags --plugin pretty"
To run parallel I use:
mvn -am -pl bdd_test test -DENV=ENV -P parallel "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @PP --plugin pretty"
versions: maven.surefire.plugin.version=2.20 cucumber.jvm.parallel.plugin.version=4.2.0
After research I found that cmd --plugin pretty
override all plugins section in parallel plugin -> so there is no Allure plugin started.
Correct command:
mvn -am -pl bdd_test test -DENV=ENV -P parallel "-Dcucumber.options=--tags @PP"
And define all plugins in pom.xml