I am writing a custom plugin for kong
. The plugin will transform request/response in accordance with my server. I am getting [info] 27#0: *588 client <x> closed keepalive connection
After some debugging, I found that the error occurs whenever I set the
with my transformed response. I have followed the existing response-transformer
plugin provided by kong.
This is the body of the kong
local ctx = ngx.ctx
local chunk, eof = ngx.arg[1], ngx.arg[2]
ctx.rt_body_chunks = ctx.rt_body_chunks or {}
ctx.rt_body_chunk_number = ctx.rt_body_chunk_number or 1
if eof then
local someChunks = concat(ctx.rt_body_chunks)
local aBody = responseTransformer.transform(theConf, someChunks)
aBody = unEscapeString(aBody)
ngx.arg[1] = aBody or someChunks
ctx.rt_body_chunks[ctx.rt_body_chunk_number] = chunk
ctx.rt_body_chunk_number = ctx.rt_body_chunk_number + 1
ngx.arg[1] = nil
I ran the same plugin with a local dummy server. It worked properly. But when I proxied to my actual server, I got the closed keepalive connection
From kong logs, I can see that the response got transformed properly.
Using curl
, I get about half the body of the response.
Found the cause. The server was sending Content-Length
header. During rewrite of body this remained unchanged. So, connection was being closed before the full content was being delivered.
To solve this, I had to clear the Content-Length
header in the header_filter