Search code examples

How to use multiple TEXT funtions in QUERY's second argument?

Using the the Query function with text() or To_text() function in the second argument works completely fine for me, as in this example:

 SUM(Col5) where Col1 > "&text((Column()-2)*5,"#")&" and Col1 <= 
 "&text((Column()-1)*5,"#")&" label SUM(Col5) ''")

However as soon as I use this query function in a more complex way, I get one of two errors:

 SUM(Col5) where (Col1 > "&text((Column()-2)*5,"#")&") and (Col1 <= 
 "&text((Column()-1)*5,"#")&") label SUM(Col5) 
 COUNT(Col5) where (Col1 > "&text((Column()-2)*5,"#")&") and (Col1 <= 
 "&text((Column()-1)*5,"#")&") label COUNT(Col5) ''")),)

Error: Query completed with an empty output.

Error: Unable to parse query string for Function QUERY parameter 2: PARSE_ERROR: Encountered " "Col1 "" at line 1, column 24. Was expecting one of: "(" ... "(" ...

Any help would be appreciated


  • try:

     QUERY({June2019!$M$3:$Z; July2019!$M$3:$Z; August2019!$M$3:$Z}, 
     "select SUM(Col5) 
      where Col1 >  "&(COLUMN()-2)*5&" 
        and Col1 <= "&(COLUMN()-1)*5&"
      label SUM(Col5)''")/
     QUERY({June2019!$M$3:$Z; July2019!$M$3:$Z; August2019!$M$3:$Z},
     "select COUNT(Col5) 
      where Col1 >  "&(COLUMN()-2)*5&"
        and Col1 <= "&(COLUMN()-1)*5&"
      label COUNT(Col5)''"), ))


     QUERY({June2019!$M$3:$Z; July2019!$M$3:$Z; August2019!$M$3:$Z}, 
     "select avg(Col5) 
      where Col1 >  "&(COLUMN()-2)*5&" 
        and Col1 <= "&(COLUMN()-1)*5&"
      label avg(Col5)''"), ))