I have a doubt with the use of a login feature. What I look for:
I have a Login feature that should be used with all the rest of future features that I'm using with Cucumber and Selenium. This Login feature should concat with the rest of features.
This is mi Login.feature
Feature: Login Profile
As an user of Page X
I want to login my profile using my credentials
In order to see the default dashboard
Background: User navigates to Company home page
Given I am on the Company login page
Scenario Outline: Successful login
When I fill in User ID with "<username>"
And I fill in Password with "<password>"
And I click on the Log In button
And I should get the Second code login with "<email>" and "<pass>"
And I must put the Second code in the field code for accessing
| username | password | email | pass |
I need to concat this feature with another new one without closing navigation in Selenium.
Could anybody guide me?
See In Cucumber, steps defined under Scenario/Outline with in one Feature file can not be reused in other Feature files.
If you want to reuse login steps then you shall declare these under background in all those feature files where all scenarios shall reuse login steps written once under background in every feature file.
Feature: Registration, Login and MyAccount
Background: User is Logged In
Given I am on the homepage
And I follow "Sign in"
Scenario: Verify Login Functionality
When I fill "email address textbox" with "goswami.tarun77@gmail.com"
Then I fill "password textbox" with "Test1234"