I have the following REST call with Spring's (5.0.1) RestTemplate
and Jackson 2 (fasterxml) converter:
final List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters = restTemplate.getMessageConverters();
MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter converter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter();
final ObjectMapper objectMapper = converter.getObjectMapper();
What I don't understand is when the response from the server has an unknown JSON property, it simply sets it to null
vs. what I had assumed RestTemplate#getForEntity()
throwing an exception during data extraction:
ResponseEntity<MyResponse> responseEntity = restTemplate.getForEntity("http//some-url/api", MyResponse.class);
Mapping object is simply a Serializable
and does not have any Jackson annotation:
public class MyResponse implements Serializable {
private String propertyOne;
private String propetyTwo;
A response JSON looks like:
The mapped object contains a value for propertyOne
but null
for badName
in this case.
Is RestTemplate
not throwing any exception/error normal in these cases?
What if I want to force the call to throw an exception?
Feature that determines whether encountering of unknown properties (ones that do not map to a property, and there is no "any setter" or handler that can handle it) should result in a failure (by throwing a JsonMappingException) or not. This setting only takes effect after all other handling methods for unknown properties have been tried, and property remains unhandled.
Feature is enabled by default (meaning that a JsonMappingException will be thrown if an unknown property is encountered).
Example :