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coverage with gcc9 and lcov

A recent OS upgrade made my coverage script fail miserably.

lcov 1.13

gcov (GCC) 9.1.1

The part of my CMake that is used to generate coverage data:

    message("Setting up for coverage")
    setup_target_for_coverage(${PROJECT_NAME}_coverage tests coverage)
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}  --coverage")
endif ()

The lcov command I issued after building tests: lcov --capture --directory build/ --output-file

Unfortunately now fails with:

Capturing coverage data from build/
Found gcov version: 9.1.1
Scanning build/ for .gcda files ...
geninfo: WARNING: no .gcda files found in build/ - skipping!
Finished .info-file creation

The error message makes sense because there are no .gcda files - only .gcno files. I am not sure if they serve the same purpose and / or can be used with lcov.

I issued nm some_binary | grep gcov and there are a lot of symbols in the form of:

00000000004b3520 d __gcov_._ZZZN6__pstl10__internal15__pattern_walk2IRKNS_9execution2v115parallel_policyEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPKiSt6vectorIiSaIiEEEENS8_IPiSD_EEZSt9transformIS6_SE_SG_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_150ParallelTransformTest_NoDataShouldReturnEmpty_Test8TestBodyEvEUlRKT_E_ENSt9enable_ifIXsrNS3_19is_execution_policyINSt5decayISK_E4typeEEE5valueET1_E4typeEOSK_T0_SY_SU_T2_EUlRS9_RiE_St17integral_constantIbLb0EEEESU_SX_SY_SY_SU_SZ_T3_S13_IbLb1EEENKUlvE_clEvENKUlSE_SE_E_clESE_SE_

So I guess the CMake is still correctly trying to give me coverage data.

It worked fine on gcc 7 if I recall correctly.

Is there a new solution / CMake flag to issue / lcov flag to issue? Or is it broken right now and there is no workaround? Or perhaps I was doing something odd the whole time?


  • I believe GCC 9 outputs coverage data as JSON by default now, as mentioned in the change notes.

    The gcov tool has changed its intermediate format to a new JSON format.

    It also looks like lcov have an open issue for handling this new format.