Search code examples

Set filter value as options in select box

In Angularjs app, i am using ng-options to display the user and valid from date.

Here i am having a checkbox which will be checked default means only valid rates needs to be displayed..

Here valid rates mean the rates which have recent date for each user..

If showvalidrates = false expected result as follows,

ASSIST.. / Assistance [valid from 2017-05-01]
ASSIST.. / Assistance [valid from 2018-01-01]
ASSIST.. / Assistance [valid from 2019-01-01]
PROF.. / Professional [valid from 2017-05-01]
PROF.. / Professional [valid from 2018-01-01]
PROF.. / Professional [valid from 2019-01-01]
SEN.. / Senior [valid from 2018-01-01]
SEN.. / Senior [valid from 2019-01-01]
SEN.. / Senior [valid from 2017-05-01]

If showvalidrates = true expected result as follows,

ASSIST.. / Assistance [valid from 2019-01-01]
PROF.. / Professional [valid from 2019-01-01]
SEN.. / Senior [valid from 2019-01-01]

For this filter of latest data i have already implemented code so no problem for it, You can look at the demo below which has all the code used in app.js.

Working Demo:

I am in need of help in the part how to send this filtered list to the ng-options if showvalidrates = true.. Else if it is false then it will display all the records from item.jobcategories ..

Reference link:

This is just a reference link and i need to solution in the plunker. In codepen, it has valid as property and based on that filter happens, sameway i am in the need to send the filtered values from the result comes from

const getDate = date => +date.match(/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/g)[0].split('-').join('')

data = $scope.rateschedule[0].jobcategories.sort(({jobCategoryWithFromDate:date1}, {jobCategoryWithFromDate:date2}) => getDate(date2) - getDate(date1))

const getRecent = (data, i=0) => getDate(data[i].jobCategoryWithFromDate) === getDate(data[i + 1].jobCategoryWithFromDate) ? [data[i], ...getRecent(data, i+1)] : [data[i]]

getRecent(data).forEach(obj => console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)))

(Here in codepen, filter happens based on valid property, likewise in plunker i have to send the filtered value to ng-options)

As i already have the filtering code to get latest data, kindly help me to send it to ng-options..

Any alternative solution to handle this with select box would also be more appreciable..

Struggling for long long time please help me with good solution..


  • Hope this snippet helps!

    var app = angular.module('angularjs-starter', []);
        app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
          $scope.showvalidrates = false;
          $scope.rateschedule = [{
            "activity": "First activity",
            "rateschedule": "Rate Schedule Name",
            "jobcategories": [{
              id: 1,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "ASSIST.. / Assistance [valid from 2017-05-01]",
              valid: false
            }, {
              id: 2,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "ASSIST.. / Assistance [valid from 2018-01-01]",
              valid: false
            }, {
              id: 3,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "ASSIST.. / Assistance [valid from 2019-01-01]",
              valid: false
            }, {
              id: 4,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "PROF.. / Professional [valid from 2017-05-01]",
              valid: false
            }, {
              id: 5,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "PROF.. / Professional [valid from 2018-01-01]",
              valid: false
            }, {
              id: 6,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "PROF.. / Professional [valid from 2019-01-01]",
              valid: false
            }, {
              id: 7,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "SEN.. / Senior [valid from 2018-01-01]",
              valid: false
            }, {
              id: 8,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "SEN.. / Senior [valid from 2019-01-01]",
              valid: false
            }, {
              id: 9,
              jobCategoryWithFromDate: "SEN.. / Senior [valid from 2017-05-01]",
              valid: false
          const originData = angular.copy($scope.rateschedule);
          const uiData = angular.copy($scope.rateschedule);
          $scope.changeValidRates = function() {
            if ($scope.showvalidrates) {
              const getDate = date => +date.match(/[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}/g)[0].split('-').join('')
              const data = uiData[0].jobcategories.sort(({
                jobCategoryWithFromDate: date1
              }, {
                jobCategoryWithFromDate: date2
              }) => getDate(date2) - getDate(date1))
              const getRecent = (data, i = 0) => getDate(data[i].jobCategoryWithFromDate) === getDate(data[i + 1].jobCategoryWithFromDate) ? [data[i], ...getRecent(data, i + 1)] : [data[i]]
              getRecent(data).forEach(obj => obj.valid = true)
              $scope.rateschedule[0].jobcategories = getRecent(data);
            } else {
              $scope.rateschedule = angular.copy(originData);
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html ng-app="angularjs-starter">
    <head lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>Custom Plunker</title>
      <script src="beautify-html.js"></script>
      <script src="//"></script>
      <script src="app.js"></script>
    <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="showvalidrates" ng-change="changeValidRates()"> Display only Valid Rates
      <div ng-repeat="item in rateschedule">
        <h4>Select something below</h4>
        <select id="s1" ng-model="selectedItem" 
        ng-options="jobcat as jobcat.jobCategoryWithFromDate for jobcat in item.jobcategories | filter : {valid: showvalidrates}"></select>
        <h3>The selected item:</h3>
        <pre>{{selectedItem | json}}</pre>