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How to map a Folder to a Table in SQL Server 2008?

I am using SQL Server 2008.

I have a table (TBL_FILE) that stores user uploaded files in binary column. However users do not want to open our system to access the file. They want to have a folder (network drive, Web folder, local drive, local folder... are accepted) that maps to the table (TBL_FILE). So they can directly open the file directly in File Explorer.

The key point is they want to open files directly in File Explorer.

Is it possible to do that? And what kind of program I need to write to do that? And how to do security?




  • after searching in google, I finally find a solution of this problem.

    We could create a logical drive with .NET technology or other third party libraries. One of the libraries is Doken

    Doken is able to let us to create a drive in computer and do the logic ourselves. It seems that it is able to map a folder to a table in Database. But I haven't tried it yet.

