i'm doing an entity-find with econditions and I put the result list in a form-list element on my page. I want the ability of sorting on columns so i've put a <search-form-inputs/>
tag at the end of my entity-find.
the problem is that the entity-find doesn't work properly for the econditions I've included (Its results are not what they are supposed to be!)
and when I remove the <search-form-inputs/>
tag everything just works fine.
any suggestions? maybe I'm not using this tag in the right way.
<entity-find entity-name="me.myJointView" list="itmTemp" distinct="true">
<econdition field-name="myId" operator="less-equals" from="rNTo" ignore-if-empty="true"/>
<econdition field-name="myId" operator="greater-equals" from="rNFrom" ignore-if-empty="true"/>
<econdition field-name="myName" from="fName" ignore-if-empty="true"/>
<econdition field-name="mySurname" from="lName" ignore-if-empty="true"/>
<econdition field-name="myDate" operator="less-equals" from="aDTo" ignore-if-empty="true"/>
<econdition field-name="someId" operator="equals" from="so" ignore-if-empty="true"/>
<econdition field-name="someOtherId" operator="equals" from="rm" ignore-if-empty="true"/>
<econditions combine="or">
<econdition field-name="myStateEnumId" operator="equals" value="something"/>
<econdition field-name="myStateEnumId" operator="equals" value="somethingElse"/>
<econditions combine="or">
<econditions combine="and">
<econdition field-name="aDate" from="null"/>
<econdition field-name="myDate" operator="greater-equals" to-field-name="aDate"/>
<econditions combine="and">
<econdition field-name="myDate" operator="less-equals" to-field-name="dDate"/>
<econdition field-name="myDate" operator="greater-equals" to-field-name="aDate"/>
<select-field field-name="myId"/>
<select-field field-name="myName"/>
<select-field field-name="mySurname"/>
<select-field field-name="MyDate"/>
<order-by field-name="myDate,RECETEST.lastUpdatedStamp"/>
I had a form-list in my screen that its column names was identical to the fields I set econditions on. something like:
<form-list name="list" list="receptions" headre-dialog="true" paginate="true">
<field name="mySurname" skip-form="false">
<header-field show-order-by="true"><text-find hide-options="true"/></header-field>
<field name="myDate" skip-form="false">
<header-field show-order-by="true"><text-find hide-options="true"/></header-field>
<field name="editButton">
<link url="edit" parameter-map="[myId:myId]" icon="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil" btn-type="info" />
<field-ref name="myId" skip-form="true"/>
<field-ref name="myName"/>
<field-ref name="mySurname"/>
<field-ref name="myDate"/>
<field-ref name="editButton"/>
<field-ref name="myId"/>
<field-ref name="myName"/>
<field-ref name="mySurname"/>
<field-ref name="myDate"/>
<field-ref name="editButton"/>
I added the line below and removed orderBy statement at the end of my entity-find:
<search-form-inputs input-fields-map="[orderByField:ec.web.parameters.orderByField]" default-order-by="myDate,myId,mySurname,myName,myDate" />
and checked from the query stats screen that the query produced by the two entity-finds in this topic are the same (apart from the orderBy statement added in the new query) except that:
1- the entity-find in this post add a "limit 20 offset 0" at the end of the query (which i can handle by setting a high limit)
2- I can't orderBy RECETEST.lastUpdatedStamp
(which I used at the entity-find definition in the main question) anymore. AND I NEED THIS FUNCTIONALITY! WHAT SHOULD I DO?