The default operation of the handsontable when press intro is focus the cell on the bottom, but in primefaces extension the focus go to the right, I need go to the bottom, is there some config that I can try?
I tried to modify the afterChange event with the updateSettings method but isn't work.
below the code of the sheet in the JSF way.
<pe:sheet extender="sheetExtender" id="sheet" contextMenu="true"
rowHeader="true" colHeader="true" widgetVar="sheetWidget"
var="_det" rowKey="#{_det.item}" height="300" showRowHeaders="true"
emptyMessage="No se encontraron registros." locale="es-MX"
maxCols="5" minCols="5" movableCols="false" movableRows="true">
<f:facet name="header">
<pe:sheetcolumn headerText="Descripcion" required="true"
value="#{_det.descripcion}" colType="text"></pe:sheetcolumn>
<pe:sheetcolumn headerText="Unidad" value="#{_det.unidad}"
Primefaces v7.0 Primefaces-extension v7.0.1
Based on HandsonTable documentation you an use the enterMoves
function to control how the enter key moves cells. See:
Then in the Sheet Extender code you can simply do the "extender" functionality like in the Showcase example and change the Extender to:
function sheetExtender() {
this.cfg.enterMoves = {row: 1, col: 0};