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How to create dynamic web projects in in IntelliJIDEA

I need to know if it is possible to create dynamic web projects (like Eclipse) in IntelliJIDEA. I tried different solutions but with not luck.
Is there anyone who has experience on this?

Eclipse dynamic web project example


  • If someone is still trying to accomplish that task, after some time I retried to simulate dynamic web projects in IntelliJ and now I have a kind of solution.
    I'm using this solution to recreate my old eclipse workspace and I'm successfully using it, so you can consider it a working way.
    Like someone said in the above comments we need to use artifacts. I'm using ultimate edition of IntelliJ, don't know if artifacts are available on the standard edition but i think so.

    Creating the Artifact

    • File
    • Project Structure
    • Artifacts
    • click on the + symbol
    • Other

    That will create an unamed artifact

    • select unamed and in his tab click on the + symbol
    • choose the entry Directory Content
    • link the folder that you want

    With this process we have an artifact linked to the choosen folder.

    Deploying the Artifact
    To deploy the artifact (Tomcat deploy in my case) together the .war file:

    • Add configuration
    • Tomcat Template
    • Deployment
    • click on the fix button (if requested by IDEA)
    • in the bottom of this tab you can see some tasks (generally build and build :war)
    • click on the + symbol
    • Build Artifacts
    • Choose the artifact generated in the previous step
    • click ok
    • move the latest added task beetween the build and the build:war tasks.