I'm doing a RPC program and in the server side I'm getting memory corrupted but I don't know exactly why, all the functions works fine but this one.
I tried first with strndup and then change it for malloc and strcpy on the struct variables, but both don't work.
EDIT: Tried strdup as well, still memory corruption
EDIT FIXED: The problem was the malloc on "persona", the sizeof was wrong.
struct facturar {
int idReserva;
int idReg;
int idPlaza;
int fila;
int asiento;
char *nombre;
char *dni;
struct facturar *siguiente;
typedef struct facturar facturar;
struct datos_facturacion {
struct facturar *lista;
typedef struct datos_facturacion datos_facturacion;
static datos_facturacion result;
char buffer[200];
struct facturar * persona;
xdr_free((xdrproc_t)xdr_datos_facturacion,(char *)&result);
// ...
f = fopen("DatosReservas", "r");
f2 = fopen("Ffacturacion", "a");
idr = argp->idVuelo;
while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), f) != NULL){
c2 = malloc(strlen(buffer) + 1);
strcpy(c2, buffer);
c = strtok_r(c2, ":", &c1);
printf("%d-%d-\n", idr, atoi(c));
if(idr == atoi(c)){
persona = malloc(sizeof(persona));;
persona->idReserva = idr;
fprintf(f2, "%d:", idr);
c = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &c1);
printf("%s\n", c);
persona->idReg = idreg;
fprintf(f2, "%d:", idreg);
c = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &c1);
printf("%s\n", c);
persona->idPlaza = atoi(c);
fprintf(f2, "%d:", atoi(c));
if(asAsignado == asiento){
fAsignada = fAsignada + 1;
asAsignado = 1;
persona->fila = fAsignada;
fprintf(f2, "%d:", fAsignada);
persona->asiento = asAsignado;
fprintf(f2, "%d:", asAsignado);
c = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &c1);
printf("Cadena antes de Malloc: %s\n", c);
persona->nombre = malloc(strlen(c) + 1);
strcpy(persona->nombre, c);
fprintf(f2, "%s:", c);
c = strtok_r(NULL, ":", &c1);
printf("Cadena dps de malloc %s\n", persona->nombre);
printf("Cadena antes de Malloc2: %s\n", c);
persona->dni = malloc(strlen(c) + 1);
strcpy(persona->dni, c);
printf("Cadena despues de Malloc2: %s\n", persona->dni);
fprintf(f2, "%s\n", persona->dni);
persona->siguiente = result.lista;
result.lista = persona;
return &result;
In the last iteration I got the error in the last malloc
Error : malloc(): memory corruption aborted (core dumped)
New output to test :
Cadena before of Malloc: Alberto // printing "c" of strtok_r Cadena after of malloc Alberto // printing persona->nombre after malloc Cadena before of Malloc2: 33445511J Cadena after of Malloc2: 33445511J //printing persona->dni after malloc
Cadena before of Malloc: Juan Cadena after of malloc Juan Cadena before of Malloc2: 92312321C Cadena after of Malloc2: 92312321C
Cadena antes of Malloc: Pepe Macias Cadena dps of malloc Pepe Macias Cadena antes of Malloc2: 39421294D Cadena despues of Malloc2: 39421294D
Cadena before of Malloc: Ignacio Gutierrez Povedilla Cadena after of malloc Ignacio Gutierrez Povedilla Cadena before of Malloc2: 92123421Y malloc(): memory corruption Abortado (`core' generado)
c2 = malloc(strlen(buffer));
strcpy(c2, buffer);
There is no room in c2
for the final \0
I hope buffer
and persona
are not formal parameters to a function. If yes,
definitely return a lot less than you expect.
About persona
, why do you make it a pointer, instead of a regular variable?! malloc() should be used only when there is no other chance, exactly because it is dangerous when used improperly.
I will tell you if I find more.