How can I determine the symbol for the decimal separator? The device's current locale should be used.
You need to use methods of NumberFormat
class, available in intl
formats a number according to specified locale.
e.g. this is how you can get device locale and format a number.
import 'package:intl/intl.dart' show NumberFormat;
import 'package:intl/number_symbols_data.dart' show numberFormatSymbols;
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
String getCurrentLocale() {
final locale = ui.window.locale;
final joined = "${locale.languageCode}_${locale.countryCode}";
if (numberFormatSymbols.keys.contains(joined)) {
return joined;
return locale.languageCode;
// ...
String dec = NumberFormat.decimalPattern(getCurrentLocale()).format(1234.567);
print(dec); // prints 1,234.567 for `en_US` locale
However, to answer your initial question - here is a function that returns either decimal separator (if found any) or empty string.
String getDecimalSeparator(String locale) {
return numberFormatSymbols[locale]?.DECIMAL_SEP ?? "";
// ...
print(getDecimalSeparator(getCurrentLocale())); // prints `.` for `en_US` locale.
Let me know if this helped.