I'm reaching out to you because I'm terribly stuck with a Vue project...
I'm experiencing a little issue when trying to move a jQuery project over to Vue. CryptoJS is working a charm and I can create hashes from strings.
However, I'm still struggling reading the actual file, as the nested functions are throwing errors. Specifically getting errors on the callbackRead
App.vue?234e:280 Uncaught TypeError: this.callbackRead is not a function
at FileReader.reader.onload (App.vue?234e:280)
Can you please give me some guidance on how to successfully translate the script to VUE JS? ( https://medium.com/@0xVaccaro/hashing-big-file-with-filereader-js-e0a5c898fc98 )
Thanks a lot in advance!!!
Here is what I got so far: https://codesandbox.io/s/vuejs-file-crypter-kjirp
Best regards, Mac
The error is coming from this section:
reader.onload = function(evt) {
this.callbackRead(this, file, evt, callbackProgress, callbackFinal);
The problem is that this
refers to the wrong object. Your onload
handler is a different function from the surrounding code and whenever you enter a new function the value of this
There are several possible solutions.
Aliasing this
const that = this;
reader.onload = function(evt) {
that.callbackRead(that, file, evt, callbackProgress, callbackFinal);
Binding this
reader.onload = function(evt) {
this.callbackRead(this, file, evt, callbackProgress, callbackFinal);
Using an arrow function, which won't alter the value of this
reader.onload = evt => {
this.callbackRead(this, file, evt, callbackProgress, callbackFinal);