So we're exploring using Drools/JBPM, and we're finding it very difficult to get data out of JBPM. I feel like we're missing something obvious.
We're kicking a JBPM process off using the RESTful interface and creating a process instance: POST /server/containers/{containerId}/processes/{processId}/instances
After the process instance is complete however, we need to retrieve the results. How do you do that? Is there something in the JBPM process we need to set (like a variable or what not)?
We've poured through a ton of examples and docs at this point and can't seem to find an answer to what should be simple.
Thank you, -Jonathan
When you make a POST
request to /server/containers/{containerId}/processes/{processId}/instances
it will return your process instance id.
Get results from current running process:
GET /server/containers/{containerId}/processes/definitions/{processId}/variables
Get results from past running processes:
GET /server/queries/processes/instances/{processInstanceId}/variables/instances/{varName}
Go to "process instances" in workbench to make sure you are storing data