I have a small Grails project I'm writing as a learning exercise. It gathers some user input from a form (eg. enter two numbers to add), then it calls a service to process that data (eg. add the two numbers), and finally it shows the results on a another page.
When I turned on SQL logging I noticed that the data the user is entering is being saved to the database before the call to the service method inside the controller.
How do I prevent this? I would like ONE write to the database after the call to the service method is complete and there are no errors.
Save method from controller code:
def save() {
def myInstance = new myDomainClass(params)
myInstance.sessionId = session.id
myService argh = new myService()
// wtf does this do?
if (!myInstance.save(flush: true)) {
render(view: "create", model: [myInstance: myInstance])
// Execute the api and process the results. what is writing the user input to the database before this call?!?!?!?!
def results1 = argh.executeApi(myInstance)
// if the results are null throw an error
if (results1 == null) {
flash.message = message(code: 'api.null.error')
render(view: "create", model: [apiInstance: apiInstance])
} else {
forward(action: "list", id: 2, model: [apiInstanceList: Api.list(params), apiInstanceTotal: Api.count()])
Pointers or help appreciated.
Calling .save(flush:true)
will automatically save the myInstance instance to the database at that point. You will want to move the .save(flush:true)
to after the service method, and since you said you wanted to make sure there were no errors, you would want to add it to your conditional:
def save() {
def myInstance = new myDomainClass(params)
myInstance.sessionId = session.id
myService argh = new myService()
// Execute the api and process the results. what is writing the user input to the database before this call?!?!?!?!
def results1 = argh.executeApi(myInstance)
// if the results are null throw an error
if (results1 == null) {
flash.message = message(code: 'api.null.error')
render(view: "create", model: [apiInstance: apiInstance])
} else {
// save here when you know there are no errors
if (!myInstance.save(flush: true)) {
render(view: "create", model: [myInstance: myInstance])
forward(action: "list", id: 2, model: [apiInstanceList: Api.list(params), apiInstanceTotal: Api.count()])