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setTint of ShapeDrawable containing custom Shape?

Calling setTint() on a ShapeDrawable containing a custom Shape appears to have no effect on the color of the underlying shape.


class CustomShape : Shape() {

    private val paint = Paint()
    private val path = Path()

    init {
        paint.isAntiAlias = true

    override fun onResize(width: Float, height: Float) {
        // update path

    override fun draw(canvas: Canvas, paint: Paint) {
        canvas.drawPath(path, this.paint)


val shape = CustomShape()
val drawable = ShapeDrawable(shape)
drawable.setTint(Color.RED) // not working
someView.background = drawable


  • Solution

    Use the Paint object supplied by draw(), which already has the anti alias flag applied, and will respect any methods you call on the ShapeDrawable.

    The problem is that I was creating and using a new Paint object rather than using the one supplied in draw(). The rational for this was that I needed to turn on anti-aliasing, and I wanted to avoid doing so in the draw method.

    Additionally, I was originally giving the Paint object a color directly in CustomShape before realizing it might be better/necessary to let the ShapeDrawable handle that.