I am working on MVC 5 application. I am stuck on a view in which there is a dropdown and a grid(Gijgo-grid). Grid is getting populated based on selected value of the dropdown. When I select an option from the dropdown for the first time, grid gets populated. But when I change my selection in dropdown, grid data does not change.
On change event of the dropdown, I am using ajax to call function in controller to get data for the grid.
cshtml page
<table id="gridmvc"></table>
type: 'POST',
url : '/Test/GetGrid',
data: {selectedID: this.value},
success: function(data){
grid = $('#gridmvc').grid({
primaryKey: 'DeliveryID',
dataSource: data,
columns: [
{field: 'DeliveryID'},
{field: 'ProductName', sortable: true},
{field: 'Amount', sortable: true}
pager:{limit: 5}
error: function(){alert('error');}
Test controller function
public JsonResult GetGrid(int? page, int? limit, string sortBy, string direction, int selectedID)
List<ViewModel> records;
int total;
var query = Lync query to fetch data from Database using selectedID;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortBy) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(direction))
//code for sorting
query = query.OrderBy(q => q.DeliveryID);
if (page.HasValue && limit.HasValue)
//code for paging
records = query.ToList();
return this.Json(records, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Grid data should refresh based on the new selection of dropdown.
According to documentation found here you have reload function.
Here Reload does this: Reload the data in the grid from a data source. This means that you can change the datasource and do the reload according to the parameters like this:
//RAZOR view
function reloadGrid(){
grid = $('#gridmvc').grid({
dataSource: '/Test/GetGrid'
params: { selectedID: this.value },
primaryKey: 'DeliveryID',
columns: [
{field: 'DeliveryID'},
{field: 'ProductName', sortable: true},
{field: 'Amount', sortable: true}
pager:{limit: 5}
But if you are changing the data in your Ajax call you can use render.
Here Render does this: Render data in the grid (From your response).
So in your success you could do this:
type: 'POST',
url : '/Test/GetGrid',
data: {selectedID: this.value},
success: function(data){
grid = $('#gridmvc').grid({
primaryKey: 'DeliveryID',
columns: [
{field: 'DeliveryID'},
{field: 'ProductName', sortable: true},
{field: 'Amount', sortable: true}
pager:{limit: 5}
error: function(){alert('error');}
Also if you read the gijgo.js you can find this:
Line 4554:
@param {object} params - An object that contains a list with parameters that are going to be send to the server.