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How to change background color and text color of clicked or auto-played video

Problem: I have a HTML video playlist of Wistia videos and I'm trying to change the background-color and color of the videos as they are played, either by clicking on them or having the playlist autoplay.

I'm currently using a:focus to accomplish the click part, but I'm looking for something more sophisticated? as a solution. If you click out of the video playlist or on the video itself, the colors go back to their defaults.

Here is my code so far:

JavaScript is not my strong suit, so I don't really know where to begin.

I'm using Embed Links to build a playlist, but I referenced Wistia's API and am unsure what is applicable: &&

Here's my pathetic JS:

var vidcontainer = document.getElementById("vidcontainer");
var videos = video.getElementsByTagName("a");

for(i=0; i<videos.length; i++) {
  videos[i].addEventListener("click", function(event) {


Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!


  • You could use something like this for toggling the backgroundColor when the menu item is clicked :

    var vidcontainer = document.getElementById("vidcontainer");
    var videos = vidcontainer.getElementsByTagName("a");
    function highlightMenuItemAndDisableOthers(element) { = 'red'
      for (let video of videos) {
        if (video !== element) = 'white'
    for (let video of videos) {
      video.addEventListener('click', event => {
        highlightMenuItemAndDisableOthers(video, videos)

    For knowing which video is played automatically by the player, it will be more complex. You have to find an event in the API that tell when a new video is playing, then get the DOM element of the menu item and call the highlightMenuItemAndDisableOther method on it.

    Hope it helps!