In Java, what is an unreachable object? When does the object become unreachable? While studying garbage collection I was not able to understand this concept.
Can anyone give any ideas with examples?
When there are no longer any reference variables referring to it, OR when it is orphaned in an island.
An island being an object that has a reference variable pointing to it, however that object has no reference variables pointing to it.
class A { int i = 5; }
class B { A a = new A(); }
class C {
B b;
public static void main(String args[]) {
C c = new C();
c.b = new B();
// instance of A, B, and C created
c.b = null;
// instance of B and A eligible to be garbage collected.
EDIT: Just want to point out that even though the instance of A has a reference, it is on an island now because the instance of B does not have a reference to it. The A instance is eligible for garbage collection.