I have configure My Jacoco plugin In my project via maven.
Here is my jacoco configuration
I have executed the Test, and shows 94% coverage for an Abstract Class , I tested this abstract class using it's concrete Implementation.
When i run by maven build
I'm getting following error
Rule violated for class my.package.AbstractParser.1: lines covered ratio is 0.00, but expected minimum is 0.80
I tried to test abstract class using a dummy implementation on Test still I'm getting the same error
Can some one tell me what I'm doing wrong here.
EDIT: I found out the cause for failure
I have written an inline map initialization
return new HashMap<String, String>() {
put(input, "");
And the coverage was showing 0% against this part . so my test was not covering this part.
But I tired
final Map<String, String> defaultMap = new HashMap<>();
defaultMap.put(input, "");
return defaultMap;
The build pass without even coverage around new code. can some one explain me why it happened with inline initialization ???
Your configuration
means that line coverage should be at least 80% for each class.
return new HashMap<String, String>() {
put(input, "");
declares anonymous class, what is BTW visible in JaCoCo report - see first table row on screenshot below
final Map<String, String> defaultMap = new HashMap<>();
defaultMap.put(input, "");
return defaultMap;
doesn't declare any class.