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How Apache Zeppelin computes Spark job progress bar?

When starting spark job from Apache Zeppelin notebook interface it shows you a progress bar of job execution. But what does this progress actually mean? Sometimes it shrinks or expands. Is it a progress of current stage or a whole job?


  • In the web interface, the progress bar is showing the value returned by the getProgress function (not implemented for every interpeters, such as python).

    This function returns a percentage.

    When using the Spark interpreter, the value seems to be the percentage of tasks done (Calling the following progress function from JobProgressUtil) :

    def progress(sc: SparkContext, jobGroup : String):Int = {
        val jobIds = sc.statusTracker.getJobIdsForGroup(jobGroup)
        val jobs = jobIds.flatMap { id => sc.statusTracker.getJobInfo(id) }
        val stages = jobs.flatMap { job =>
        val taskCount =
        val completedTaskCount =
        if (taskCount == 0) {
        } else {
          (100 * completedTaskCount.toDouble / taskCount).toInt

    Meanwhile, I could not find it specified in the Zeppelin documentation.