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Rest Assured: Fail to deserialize json response to its POJO

I have the following returned JSON from Azure login REST call:

    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": "3600",
    "ext_expires_in": "3600",
    "expires_on": "1560857196",
    "not_before": "1560853296",
    "resource": "",
    "access_token": "d9f9s..." //I cut the value significantly here...

The POJO I built for it is as follows:

public class AzureLoginResponse {

    private String tokenType;
    private String expiresIn;
    private String extExpiresIn;
    private String expiresOn;
    private String notBefore;
    private String resource;
    private String accessToken; 



When I am doing this:

   @Given("^Azure Login Request Executed$")
    public void azureLoginExecuted() {

        RestAssured.baseURI = BASE_URI;

        Response response =
        given()  //Add x-www-form-urlencoded body params:
            .formParam(GRANT_TYPE_KEY, GRANT_TYPE_VALUE)
            .formParam(RESOURCE_KEY, RESOURCE_VALUE)
            .post(AUTO_TEAM_TENANT_ID + RESOURCE); //Send the request along with the resource

        AzureLoginResponse azureLoginResponse =;


azureLoginResponse gets the following data in it:

azureLoginResponse = {AzureLoginResponse@3532} 
 tokenType = null
 expiresIn = null
 extExpiresIn = null
 expiresOn = null
 notBefore = null
 resource = ""
 accessToken = null

so, only 'resource' property is getting populated, whereas tests like

assertThat(expires_in_val, greaterThan(min_expected_expires_in_val));


response.then().body("resource", equalTo(expected_resource));

pass with no troubles.


  • Your POJO keys doesn't match with the keys coming in response, hence the null value. As you can see the keys coming in response is snake_case and the one used in your POJO is camelCase.