I am using JSZip and I am creating a .zip file with several .xml files inside it as shown below:
// get each xml in string format and add it to zip object
let zip = new JSZip();
for(let i = 0; i < containers.length; i++){
let xml = getXML(i);
zip.file("file"+i+".xml", xml);
// download the .zip file
type: "base64"
}).then(function(content) {
window.location.href = "data:application/zip;base64," + content;
The .zip file is created and downloaded perfectly but the name of the file is the default "download file". What i want to do is give a name to this file at will (for example allXMLs.zip).
I looked at the JSZip documentation but I did not find anything really enlightening, any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could create an anchor tag with a 'download' attribute that would allow you some control over the filename.
type: "base64"
}).then(function(content) {
var link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = "data:application/zip;base64," + content;
link.download = "your-file-name.zip";