I would like to draw automatically accumulated inventory plot using Excel VBA 2016.
I have inventory data for different year in the format of "20XXYY". Here "XX" indicates year and "YY" indicates week number in a year (1 to 52). I will have data similar to picture 1. Then I would like to sort it as picture 2. Finally draw plot as picture 3. However, I would like to have it automatically using VBA.
My question is that how can I create sequential YearWeek column automatically for the plot?
I have used "=SUM($Y$2:Y2)"^^ formula in "Accumulated Inventory" column. I will highly appreciate if I will get any clue.
'This is the answer. I have figure it out. Thanks for your support.
Sub consecutiveNumber()
Dim wsFrom As Worksheet
Dim Com As String
Dim lLastNumber,FirstNumber, l, i As Long
'change to names of sheets you are coptying from and to
Set wsFrom = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
'Get the value in the last and first used text box of column A
lLastNumber = wsFrom.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Value
FirstNumber = wsFrom.Range("A1").Value
'clear column B
'Initializing the cell index value
i = 1
'fill column B on sheet 1 with first to last number on column A
For l = FirstNumber To lLastNumber
'Converting number to string
Com = Right(CStr(l), 2)
If CInt(Com) >= 53 Then
l = l + 48
wsFrom.Range("M" & i) = l
i = i + 1
wsFrom.Range("M" & i) = l
i = i + 1
End If
End Sub