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Setting a reference number and comparing that to other data in textfile

The project is based on Eye Tracker. Let me brief the idea behind the project to understand my problem better.

I have the hardware of Tobii C eye tracker. This eye tracker will be able to give out coordinates of the X, Y of where I am looking at. But this device is very sensitive. When I look at 1 point, the eye tracker will send out many different data of coordinates but within ± 100 range which I found out. Even though you are staring at 1 point, your eyes keep moving, therefore giving out many data. This many data (float numbers) are then saved in a text file. Now I only need 1 data (X coordinate) which signifies the 1 point I am staring instead of the many data which are within the ± 100 range and move it to a new text file.

I have no idea how I should code to do that.

These are the float numbers in the text file.


When I stare at point 1, the data are 200-300, which are within the ± 100 range. I wanna set the 200 as reference point subtracts itself with the next number and check if the resultant value within 100, if it is, remove them. The reference point should keep doing that to the following numbers until it reaches outside the ± 100 range. Once outside the 100 range, now the number is 310, then now this number is the next reference point and do the same and subtract with the following numbers below and check if the resultant value within 100. Once outside the 100 range, the next number is 500, now, that is the new reference point, and do the same. That is my objective. To put it to simpler terms, The reference points should be moved into a new file.

This is my code so far which get the gaze coordinates and stores them in a text file.

 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Linq;
 using System.Text;
 using Tobii.Interaction;

namespace ConsoleApp1

class Program

    private static void programintro()
        Console.WriteLine("Press Any Keys To Start");
    public static void Main(string[] args)

        double currentX = 0.0;
        double currentY = 0.0;
        double timeStampCurrent = 0.0;
        double diffX = 0.0;
        double diffY = 0.0;
        int counter = 0;
        var host = new Host();
        var gazePointDataStream = host.Streams.CreateGazePointDataStream();
        gazePointDataStream.GazePoint((gazePointX, gazePointY, timestamp) =>

            diffX = gazePointX - currentX;
            diffY = gazePointY - currentY;
            currentX = gazePointX;
            currentY = gazePointY;
            timeStampCurrent = timestamp;
            if (diffX > 100 || diffX <= -100 || diffY >= 100 || diffY <= -100)
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("C: \\Users\\Student\\Desktop\\FYP 2019\\ConsoleApp1\\ConsoleApp1\\Data\\TextFile1.txt", true))
                    writer.WriteLine("Recorded Data " + counter + "\n=================================================================================================================\nX: {0} Y:{1}\nData collected at {2}", currentX, currentY, timeStampCurrent);
                Console.WriteLine("Recorded Data " + counter + "\n=================================================================================================================\nX: {0} Y:{1}\nData collected at {2}", currentX, currentY, timeStampCurrent);
        while (true)
            if (counter <  10)



Now my Question is how do I code to read the text file and set a reference number and subtracts itself with the next number and check if the resultant value within 100 and have a new reference number if it outside the ± 100 range. Those reference numbers are then stored in a new text file.


  • Based on your sample data here is the code to get only numbers which has 100+ difference.

    static void Main(string[] args)
      string filename = @"C:\PowershellScripts\test.txt"; // INPUT FILE
      String outputFile = @"C:\PowershellScripts\result.txt"; // OUTPUT FILE
      string[] data = File.ReadAllLines(filename); // READING FORM FILE
      int TotalLine = data.Length; // COUNT TOTAL NO OF ROWS
      List<string> FinalList = new List<string>(); // INITIALIZE LIST FOR FINAL RESULT
      if (TotalLine <= 0) // CHECK IF FILE HAS NO DATA
          Console.WriteLine("No Data found !");
      double CurrentNumber = double.Parse(data[0]), NextNumber = 0, diff = 0; // INITIALIZE OF LOCAL VARIABLES, CURRENT NUMBER = FIRST NO FROM FILE
      for (int cntr = 1; cntr < TotalLine; cntr++) // FOR LOOP FOR EACH LINE
          NextNumber = double.Parse(data[cntr]); //PARSING NEXT NO
          diff = CurrentNumber - NextNumber; // GETTING DIFFERENCE
          if (diff <= 100 && diff >= -100) // MATCH THE DIFFERENCE
              continue; // SKIP THE LOGIC IF DIFF IS LESS THEN 100
              FinalList.Add(CurrentNumber.ToString()); // ADDING THE NO TO LIST
              CurrentNumber = NextNumber; // POINTING TO NEXT NO
      FinalList.Add(CurrentNumber.ToString()); // ADDING LAST NO.
      foreach (string d in FinalList) // FOR EACH LOOP TO PRINT THE FINAL LIST
      File.WriteAllLines(outputFile, FinalList); // SAVING TO THE FILE

    The above program will generate the output is :


    enter image description here