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How can I install certificate for "Visual studio emulator for android"'s emulator?

I am working on a Xamarin Form that need to call httpclient to consume company's internal https REST api.

Unfortunately, it return with this error

Javax.Net.Ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.

How can i resolve this?


  • To bypass certification validation you can:

    In Android Build options choose

    HttpClient Implementation: AndroidClientHandler
    SSL/TLS implementation: Default (Native TLS 1.2+)

    In MainActivity.cs add this

    ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (o, cert, chain, errors) => true;

    In the Httpclient init change this

    var httpClient = new HttpClient();


    var httpClient = new HttpClient(new System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler());