A class MyStream
derived of std::basic_istream<>
contains a pointer subject
to a std::basic_istream<>
object. It shall respond to tellg()
and read()
with modified content from the corresponding responses of subject
template <class T> MyStream :
public std::basic_istream<typename T::char_type, typename T::traits_type> {
std::basic::istream<...>* subject;
PROBLEM: The functions tellg()
, seekg()
and read()
as well as the status-flag functions are not virtual.
QUESTION: How can a MyStream
object pass tell, seek, and read to subject, forward the response to the caller and modifiy the status flags so that they correspond to the flags of subject
Use something like this:
template <typename T> struct MyStream : public std::basic_istream<typename T::char_type, typename T::traits_type> {
struct rdbuf_impl : public std::basic_streambuf<typename T::char_type, typename T::traits_type> {
// overwrite what you need
std::basic::istream<...>* subject;
// for tellg passthru (an example)
pos_type seekoff( off_type off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir,
std::ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in | ios_base::out ) overwrite {
return subject->pubseekoff(off, dir, which);
MyStream(std::basic::istream<...>* subject) {
auto v = new rdbuf_impl(subject);
rdbuf(v); // set associated stream buffer 'v' in 'this'.
Let's consider tellg
method. Looking at definition of class basic_istream::tellg
( - it is written, that tellg
will call rdbuf()->pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur, std::ios_base::in)
. Documentation for basic_streambuf::pubseekof
( mentions, that it will call seekoff(off, dir, which)
. seekoff
is virtual in basic_streambuf
class and you can overwrite it.