I have a Gantt chart made with amCharts and it works fine. As showed below, I set the TooltipText from my ColumnSeries.
var series1 = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries());
series1.columns.template.width = am4core.percent(80);
series1.columns.template.tooltipText = "Load nº: {Load}\nStart: {openDateX}\nEnd: {dateX}\nType: {PartType}";
This part is OK. But now I need dynamically change the TooltipText according to an rule. I read on the documentation about the adapters and i wrote this code.
series1.columns.template.adapter.add('getTooltipText', function(text, target) {
var data = target.tooltipDataItem.dataContext;
if (data.Load != null )
return "Load nº: {data.Load}\nStart: {data.openDateX}\nEnd: {data.dateX}\nType: {data.PartType}";
return "Start: {data.openDateX}\nEnd: {data.dateX}";
But this code is not working. The Tooltip doesn't appear anymore. What I'm doing wrong? Can anyone help me?
Real close!
If you've seen getTooltipText
, that was probably for Axis Tooltips.
For your columns, just tooltipText
ought to do it, so try this instead:
series1.columns.template.adapter.add('tooltipText', function(text, target) {
var data = target.tooltipDataItem.dataContext;
if (data.Load != null )
return "Load nº: {Load}\nStart: {openDateX}\nEnd: {dateX}\nType: {PartType}";
return "Start: {openDateX}\nEnd: {dateX}";
Also note I didn't nest the data above via data.fieldName
, just fieldName
. Check out our guide on Data to learn more about how the charts determine where to look for fieldName
, i.e. string placeholders.
In the demo below I use this:
series.columns.template.adapter.add('tooltipText', function(text, target) {
var data = target.tooltipDataItem.dataContext;
if (data.Load != null )
return "Load nº: {categoryX}: [bold]{valueY}[/]";
return "Start: {categoryX}: [bold]{valueY}[/]";
This works with the Chart Cursor (am4charts.XYCursor
), too.