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Conditional filtering of JSON before deserialisation to case class model

How to parse a JSON conditionally before deserialisation to the following case class:

case class UserInfo(id: String, startDate: String, endDate: String)

I have an implicit reads

object UserInfo {
    implicit val reads: Reads[UserInfo] = (
        (__ \ "id").read[String] and
        (__ \ "startDate").read[String] and
        (__ \ "endDate").read[String]
    )(UserInfo.apply _)

I can parse the following json using above implicit reads

 val jsonString = """

val userInfoList = (Json.parse(jsonString) \ "users").as[List[UserInfo]]

but sometimes the web service returns a JSON with no startDate and endDate, for example:


How to conditionally parse json to ignore objects that don't have startDate or endDate without making those fields optional in UserInfo model?


  • To avoid changing the model to optional fields we could define coast-to-coast transformer which filters out users with missing dates like so

        val filterUsersWithMissingDatesTransformer = (__ \ 'users).json.update([JsArray].map {
          case JsArray(values) => JsArray(values.filter { user =>
            val startDateOpt = (user \ "startDate").asOpt[String]
            val endDateOpt = (user \ "endDate").asOpt[String]
            startDateOpt.isDefined && endDateOpt.isDefined

    which given

        val jsonString =
            |   "users":[
            |      {
            |         "id":"123",
            |         "startDate":"2019-06-07",
            |         "endDate":"2019-06-17"
            |      },
            |      {
            |         "id":"333",
            |         "startDate":"2019-06-07"
            |      },
            |      {
            |         "id":"444"
            |      }
            |   ]
        val filteredUsers = Json.parse(jsonString).transform(filterUsersWithMissingDatesTransformer)


      "users": [
          "id": "123",
          "startDate": "2019-06-07",
          "endDate": "2019-06-17"

    meaning we can deserialise to the existing model without making startDate and endDate optional.

    case class UserInfo(id: String, startDate: String, endDate: String)